Pegasus CIS Latest Releases

These pages include details of the most recent releases of Pegasus CIS.



Release 5.02.02

This is a maintenance release and addresses some bug fixes.

Release 5.02.01

This is a maintenance release and addresses some bug fixes.

Release 5.02.00

This release includes a new feature that will allow the Opera 3 Server Edition (2.94.21+) to be used as a finance system. This release also includes some bug fixes.

Release 5.01.02

This release includes a small number of new features and fixes.

Release 5.01.00

This release of CIS 5 introduces a new Document Management application, designed specially to integrate with Microsoft Outlook, Word, Excel and PowerPoint.

Release 5.00.00

Pegasus CIS 5 is the release of a new Construction and Contract Costing based solution. It has been specifically designed to cater for the requirements of today’s small to medium size contractors and for those businesses that require a contract costing based solution.

Release 4.10.03

This release includes improvements to assist customers with the introduction of Brexit, other functional improvements, and some general maintenance. The release is compatible with Opera 3 (2.80.50) or later.

Release 4.10.02

This release includes a small number of new features and fixes.

Release 4.10.01

This release includes a small number of new features and fixes.

Release 4.10.00

This release includes the changes to allow users to continue processing VAT Invoices on construction services following the amendment to VAT rules for reverse charge VAT that come into force in October 2019.

Reverse charge VAT means that the customer receiving the service will have to pay the VAT to HMRC instead of paying the supplier.

This release is also supported with Windows Server 2019 and Office 2019. Some defects have also been fixed.

Pegasus CIS (4.10) is compatible with Opera 3 (2.61.02+) and Opera II (7.81.02+).

Release 4.01.03

This release includes a small number of new features and fixes.

Release 4.01.02

This release includes a small number of new features and fixes.

Release 4.01.01

This release includes a small number of new features and fixes.